Friday, March 22, 2013


Spring break is almost here~~ Just one more week (better yet, a four day week), and I'm off! Man, freshman year has gone by so fast... I remember how I was so worried about high school when I was in middle school and now look at me. Still a bit worried but not as much. LOL.

This school year has honestly, been one of my better years. Yes, I probably spent half of the year moping about certain problems, but the other half was exciting! I made new friends, and also became better friends with the old ones. ;w;. Speaking of new friends, I feel like a majority of the ones I made were teachers... LOL. All of them just kind of... Picked me as their favourite, aha. When they found out I was moving to a different city, they were all genuinely sad about it, and one of them even tried to make me stay. LOL. I'm glad all of my teachers like me, especially my "scary" English teacher. I had a lot of scares though... I was so close to getting a C in my English class. TT__TT. Thankfully I was able to save it and make it a B! I blame Cambridge for getting rid of the AP programs at my school. Originally, my Math, English, Biology, and History classes were supposed to be AP classes, but my school adopted a new program called Cambridge that basically abolished AP classes as core classes to make the students "equal." ;-;;. I'm not entirely sure how this will work out at my new school though... They require me to take at least two AP classes in order to graduate... Among other things. It shouldn't be too hard, but I just wish my school didn't make, in my opinion, such a daft choice on bringing the Cambridge program to our school. I wouldn't have had to waste this entire year!



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