Sunday, December 16, 2012


Yes, just like every other kid still in high school, I hate finals. Honestly, I'm so scared for them, aha. Hearing that they are 15% of my grade in the class, I'm just really scared. D:. I keep telling myself to study and to not be on my laptop so much, but I end up breaking that the next hour. LOL. I tried to abstain from Tumblr until finals, but... I caved after a week. OTL. Now, let's talk about my (hopefully unbiased) opinions on finals! Knowing me though this will just a rant---

I feel as if it's unnecessary, to be honest. LOL. It just puts more pressure on me for some of my classes. For example, in one class I have full marks - 100%. If I don't score full marks on the final, then my grade goes down; it basically makes it so that I HAVE to get 100/100 correct on that final. And even if I failed and missed 10, my grade would still be an A... I hope. //Hasn't done the math. I'M A PERFECTIONIST THOUGH. The fact that I was so close to 100% WILL kill me. LOL. AND WHAT ABOUT BORDER GRADES, GRADES THAT ARE LIKE 1% OR EVEN .1% FROM ANOTHER LETTER GRADE, WHETHER IT BE GOOD OR BAD? I know I'd cry if I had an 80.1% (which is a very low B here; a 79% is the highest C) and I bombed the final. Haha, if that happened to me this week I would seriously cry - I want my grades to stay as A's!

I do however, find the finals to be good. It tests to see if you're at par with where you should be at; if you're just barely getting by then you need the remedial lessons. And it can help test if you really know what you're doing. It weaves out the cheaters from the people who actually do their work. This is coming from someone who has people asking her for help on homework a lot (more like if they can copy it) so I like that part a lot~ Also, I really like to see improvement, growth, change, etc. throughout the years. I'm a giant history buff, bahaha. xD. So if I could compare year one finals with a different year, that would be amazing~ It would show me my strong points and if I did get smarter as the years went by. xD.

Although I say I hate finals, I really do like the concept of them. They show us the past and where we actually improved. By showing those, it makes me feel... Encouraged? It shows me just how much I changed and how much I retained the information I needed throughout the years, and it also gives me a way to see if I'm suited for a type of job (if I want to be a doctor I obviously can't be one with such a faulty memory).